Earlier Diagnosis can lead to better and less invasive Spine treatments and reduce the chance of Future serious problems as described above. A Healthy Spine allows better Mobility ,less Pain with a Better quality of Work Life , and Home and Recreational Life as well.
• X rays of the Spine : the new digital scans have excellent resolution to give good images (pictures) of the Spine bones and their alignment . There are three different sections of the spine that can be X rayed : Cervical (the top or center of the Neck) Spine, Thoracic (middle ) Spine, and Lumbar-Sacral Spine (Lower).
• MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Spine. This gives the clearest image (picture) of the Spine of all the scans especially of the soft parts of the spine such as the Discs and the Nerves. There is no radiation used and only Magnetic waves. It is also good for detecting Spine Tumors and Cancer.
• CT (Computed Tomography) of the Spine. This is now a less common test as the images are not as good for the soft parts of the spine and radiation energy is used ( albeit quite low). It is used for fine bone details such as in the vertebral bodies and facet joints and for calcification assessment such as in Ossification of the Spine Ligaments or for Fusion success after surgery.
• EMG/NCS (ElectroMyogram/Nerve Conduction Studies) are used to detect electrical signals from Muscles and Nerves to determine the level of a spine nerve impingement (pinching point or pressure point) or to find out if there is a problem that is either in the spinal cord or further away in the peripheral nerves which come out of the spine and travel down the arms or legs.
• Bone Mineral Density : Also called Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) is used to measure the amount of Calcium Minerals in your Bones. This will allow a diagnosis of normal, osteopenia (low bone density) or osteoporosis (very low bone density with high risk of fractures) to be determined so that preventive and protective treatment can be started early.
With many years of experience in treating Spine problems and access to the latest technological advancements, Dr Prem Pillay endevours to offer patients the highest standard of care. From accurate diagnosis to tailored treatment plans, our approach aims for the best possible outcomes for individuals affected by this challenging condition.
If you or a loved one has been suffering from Back Pain or Neck Pain which could be a spine problem, we welcome you to seek consultation with our Spine Specialist. Together, we can quickly do the Spine Checks and Scans needed for an accurate diagnosis. We can then develop a comprehensive evidence based and personalized treatment strategy that addresses your unique needs and provides the best chance for a positive outcome.